Notes on Love Study Guide
Notes on Love Study Guide
This series takes a deep dive into the topics related to the main themes in the book 'Notes on Love'. It is aimed for men, women, married people, those who are dating, widows, divorced people and those who are single. It explores the idea of being single and dating in a marriage obsessed church.
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Session one looks at the idea of being 'singled out. It addresses the fact that in church life the expected lifestyle is to be married.
Session two explores the feeling of running out of time with age related milestones and how dangerous comparisons can rob joy.
In this session explore the danger of having very high expectations and how that can translate in your prayer life into idolatry.
This session gets real with disappointment and explores the process of lament and sitting in the circumstance with God.
This session looks at how we can better create community for those who may feel isolated and lonely.
This final note on loves explores the depth of Gods love for each of us.