Welcome to this study which takes a journey through the book, We are Satellites. Read the reflection each week, watch the videos and then get stuck into discussion and prayer. Each session, there will be a challenge set to take away into the week and then a chance to discuss how that worked out at the start of the next weeks study.
The first chapter of We Are Satellites deals with the biggest question of all: is there really a God, and if so, what does that mean for my life? Martin shares a bit of his own story of finding faith as a teenager and goes on to explain why he’s chosen to keep following the Christian God for the last few decades. After that, he explains the basics of the Christian ‘Gospel’ and invites us to decide – either for the first time or as an act of re-affirmation – whether we believe that message to be true. And if we do, the challenge is simple: do we want a sort of half-measure version of Christianity, or an all-in adventure?
Throughout this study there will be a challenge set to take away into the week and then discussed at the start of the next weeks study.
• The big idea of this book is summed up in the first couple of pages: if God exists, then he should be our biggest priority. Do you agree? (Even if you don’t believe in God, do you agree in theory?)
• P.10-17 detail nine potential reasons for being able to have faith in Jesus. Which of these do you find persuasive, and which do you find less interesting? Are there any that leap out at you as really helpful, or a really bad argument?
• The basics of the Christian message (or ‘Gospel’) are explained on p.18-19. Is any of this news to you? Is there anything that conflicts with what you previously believed or thought?
• What’s your response to the question posed in this chapter? Do you ‘want in’ on the offer of knowing Jesus? Is it an offer you’ve already accepted? Or are you unconvinced?
•Ask God to help you to see and know him more clearly.
• Invite God to show you which bits of his message and story you’ve never understood for yourself.
• If you know that you want to, find a moment where you ask God – whether it’s for the first time or something you’ve done before – to be Lord of your life.
This week, try to make a firm decision about what you think and how you feel about God. Where do you still have big questions? What is
stopping you from committing your life to God . . . or walking away from Him completely? At the beginning of the next session, see if you can sum up your relationship to God and faith in just a few words.