What on Earth is Heaven?
What on Earth is Heaven?
In this six-part study guide to go alongside the book, James Paul explores the radical truth of what the Bible says about heaven and the afterlife, and its relevance for your life here and now on earth.
In this session we look at some commonly held ideas about heaven that stop us clearly seeing what the Bible says about heaven and earth.
In this session we are going to think about the biblical view of reality and how the dimension of heaven interacts with the earth.
In this third session we are going to explore the beginning of God’s good creation.
In this session we think about what has gone wrong with the world and how that has affected humanity’s relationship to heaven and earth.
In this session we explore how God graciously opens doorways through which the power of heaven can come to heal a broken earth.
In this session we explore how God made new meeting place between heaven and earth in his very self, by becoming the man Jesus Christ.
What do the central gospel events teach us about the relationship of heaven and earth?
In this session we explore the gift of the Holy Spirit and what it means to be ‘mini-temples’ of heaven on earth.
In this session we explore what it will be like to live in the fullness of the new creation in which heaven and earth are fully and finally brought together.
In this session we explore the Christian hope that life after death includes a future bodily resurrection in a renewed creation.
How do we enter the kingdom of heaven on earth and what happens to those who refuse God’s gracious gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ?
We finish this study by thinking about how we can participate in what God is doing to bring heaven to the world around us.