Session one invites us to re-discover the book that Jesus quoted more than any other.
In this session we’ll explore Moses’ first sermon, looking at how they re-tell Israel’s stories and what that shows us about God and us.
In this session we’ll explore the ten commandments afresh, asking whether they’re as much about relationship as rules.
This session looks at the opening half of Moses’ longest sermon in the book and explores how it shows us the purpose of the Law, and the priority of loving God.
This session looks at one of the most challenging bits of the whole Bible – God’s commands to the Israelites to destroy the Canaanites.
In this session we’ll look at the individual laws and we’ll explore how we as Christians should understand and apply them to our lives.
In this session we’ll explore how Deuteronomy closes with a focus on both judgement and blessing, and how that point us to Jesus and our need for God’s grace.