In this third session we look at how God is faithful and just. God is faithful. He keeps his word, so you can trust him to forgive you when you confess, every time you confess, for whatever you confess.
In this session we will be focusing on the phrases HE IS FAITHFUL plus AND JUST from the verse in 1 John 1:9. This is explored in chapters five and six in the book, Spiritual Detox.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (ESV)
It is sometimes hard for us to trust that God will forgive our sins as we confess because we practice unforgiveness or have done at some point of our lives.
God, however, is 100% faithful – was can fully trust Him and His promise. On top of this, He is not just faithful, He is just and justice is part of His nature. God is so committed to justice he’s willing to die for it. He experienced the greatest injustice of all as the ultimate innocent one sentenced to death, dying to defeat sin and deliver on his promise of forgiveness.
Jesus is our advocate with the father, pleading the justice of the cross in the heavenly courtroom, to ensure that we are forgiven. Not that the Father needs persuading – but that we do
Genesis 15:1-17
What is the significance of God himself, alone, moving through the cut in half carcasses?
Luke 22:14-23
In what ways does Jesus breaking bread, and sharing wine, saying ‘the new covenant in my blood’ parallel, and build on, the bloody scene of Genesis 15?
1 John 2:1-2
If Jesus is our advocate, what is the case he is making in heaven? What is he saying on our behalf, and why is this so encouraging?
1 John 4:10-11
What is the relationship between the propitiation or atoning justice of God and the love of God? How do they reinforce and strengthen each other? Take some time to meditate on the word “so” in verse 11.
We like the exercise of writing, confessing, binning and burning.
Basically, on your own, or with a group, everyone individually writes down a key sin they are wrestling with. They name it, describing the hurt it’s caused God, others, and themselves. Then they pray what they’ve written. Next, scrunch it up, and with everyone else put the paper into a bin. Then, if it’s safe, burn them. Finally, read 1 John 1:9 and say something like, ‘what we have truly confessed is now truly gone because God says we are forgiven and cleansed.’ Then pray along the lines of: ‘Thank you God for your generous forgiveness, help us to know it deeply, and share it widely. Amen.’