He endured the cross for the joy of having a relationship with you and with me, no longer restricted by our sin.
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KEY VERSE: ‘Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.’ (Luke 22:42)

Ice Breaker: How bad a procrastinator are you?

What are some of the places you go to escape? (e.g. digital worlds, substances, busyness, the past, the future, shallowness)

Phones are increasingly one of the most common escapes. How regularly is it one for you? Note: Many smartphones now tell you how long you’ve spent on certain apps. Take a look – it could be a revealing insight!

To what extent do you have a tendency for avoidance or addiction?

What are you currently escaping? Why are you escaping it? What is God’s truth in this situation?

‘He endured the cross for the joy of having a relationship with you and with me, no longer restricted by our sin. Instead of punishment we receive mercy, instead of death we receive life, and instead of despair we receive hope. Because Jesus didn’t escape, we can be present; we can know joy.’ As you reflect on all that Jesus endured so that he could have a relationship with you, what response and emotions does it stir?

Creative Moment: Write out a truth that you need to remember this week. Put it somewhere you’ll see it e.g. your mirror or phone background.

Next Step: Fast one of your escapes this week and use the time and discomfort to address the deeper issues head on.