When sharing the gospel and discipling someone how and when should we talk about the cost of following Jesus
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KEY VERSE: Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:27)

Ice Breaker: What’s the most expensive piece of clothing you ever bought? Was it worth it?

What do you take away from the story of the Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:17-21)?

Was Jesus being extreme or harsh when telling the man to give everything away? How would you feel if Jesus had said that to you? Would you (honestly) give the same advice to a ‘Rich Young Ruler’ in your own church?

When sharing the gospel and discipling someone how and when should we talk about the cost of following Jesus and what that person will need to sacrifice?

Is there anything you’re holding back? If you went to Jesus, as the Rich Young Ruler did, what might he challenge you to do?

Creative Moment: Listen to some worship songs that are rich in truths about all that God has done

Next Step: Ask God to identify anything you love more than him then take steps this week to re-order your loves.