Session nine of Jesus’ Final Week. The Easter hymns are some of the most glorious in the Christian tradition: “He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives today!” “Christ the Lord is risen today.” In some churches the Hallelujah Chorus is sung. We bring out the brass and our best soloists. Our praise teams and choirs have extra rehearsals to learn new music. We come early—just to get a seat—and wear our finest. It is a day of celebration.
What Easter traditions in your church or family have been especially meaningful to you?
What parts of a worship service most cause you to praise God?
When the apostle Paul mentioned the resurrection of Jesus to the philosophers in Athens, some of them sneered. Some still do. And well they might! After all, such a thing just couldn’t happen. Or could it? Read Luke 24:1-43.
Christ is risen indeed! Spend time in prayer and praise for this
Lent is a time of intense focus on Jesus. If you have been doing these studies during Lent, you may have had increased spiritual growth or awareness during these past weeks. How will you continue to focus on Jesus in the next weeks and months? Plan for your next group study or quiet-time topic now so that you don’t lose momentum.