Jesus’ Final Week: Friday II
Jesus’ Final Week: Friday II
Session eight looking at the crucifixion from the perspective of the Gospel of Matthew.

Crucifixion: Matthew 27

Session eight of Jesus’ Final Week series. Often our first response to pain is to run from it and deny what we feel, thinking somehow that life is supposed to be easy, smooth and comfortable. In his book The Road Less Travelled Scott Peck opens up new levels of personal growth for many by challenging his readers to admit, “Life is difficult.” Peck goes on to say that most emotional disorders come from the illegitimate avoidance of suffering. Because Jesus taught, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted,” Christians can say that honestly facing and feeling our grief is the best way through it.

Group Discussion

In what specific ways might helping a person mourn in the midst of pain be a better approach than telling someone to “cheer up” or to “keep a stiff upper lip”?

How have you been encouraged or discouraged by others in times of personal grief and loss?

Personal Reflection

Somewhere in our hearts there is pain from loss and grief that we have yet to fully face. Ask God to give you the courage to come into those places of pain so that he can comfort you. Rest for a while in his comforting presence.


Matthew 27 records the execution of Jesus. As Pilate and the religious leaders condemn, mock and crucify God’s Son, God himself seems strangely absent. Yet to those who have eyes to see, his presence and power are unmistakable. Read the entire chapter aloud, taking turns, with each person reading about ten verses.

  1. What emotional reactions do you have to this text?
  2. In what ways and by whom is Jesus mocked (vv. 27-44)?
    • Why do they mock Jesus?
  3. As death begins to engulf him, Jesus cries out to God (vv. 45-46). What do his cry and the overshadowing darkness reveal about his relationship to the Father during this torment?
  4. Was it necessary for Jesus to feel that God had forsaken him? Why or why not?
  5. As the centurion witnesses the strange events surrounding Jesus’ death, he exclaims, “Surely he was the Son of God!” (v. 54). What clues do the unusual events referred to in verses 45-56 provide for understanding the events of this chapter?
  6. Observe the role Jesus’ followers play during the events of his crucifixion and burial (vv. 55-61). How do you think they felt?
  7. Look over the entire chapter again. How is the character of each person revealed as they respond to Jesus in captivity and death?
  8. Observe the final measures the chief priests and Pharisees take to insure that their victory over Jesus is complete (vv. 62-66). How does the guarding of the tomb bring together the power of the Romans with the power of the Jews?
  9. This chapter is filled with irony. Satan’s triumph is actually his defeat. Christ’s “defeat” is actually his triumph. How should this challenge our views about the way God works in our lives?
  10. Where in your life do you need hope?
    • What would it take for you to find that hope in God?


Ask God to give you the faith to face the pain that comes from living in a world that kills its Saviour.

Now or Later

Saturday is the missing day in this last week of Jesus’ life. It is a day of waiting. In some traditions an Easter vigil is kept in the church. People pray and read Scripture throughout the night, watching for Jesus. Create your own Easter vigil time of prayer and waiting this week as you prepare for Easter