The Power of Food

The Power of Food

November 20th 2020
Advice / For leaders / Uncategorized

It’s been observed that Jesus was either at a meal or on his way to or from a meal. If you flick through the gospels you’ll quickly see that it’s true. In fact, some of the most memorable and significant moments in the New Testament take place at meal times: the Last Supper; Jesus washing the disciples’ feet; the feeding of the 5000; Mary and Martha; Zaccheus; and the anointing at Bethany. Mealtimes with Jesus provide space for significant revelation, heartfelt response and powerful teaching. 

From my own experience – and I hope yours too – I know that shared meals deepen relationship like little else. They are a valuable time, relatively distraction free, to ask questions and listen, to learn and encourage, to get to know and be known. All this to say that regularly eating together is a great habit for a home group and a habit that I know many home groups have been practicing for many years. 

Food for thought

But, of course, lockdown has disrupted this habit. Although groups of up to six can now meet in a garden in England, this is unlikely to allow a home group to eat together. But hope is not lost. Even in isolation, we can continue to eat together. Here are two ways to make it happen:

  1. Delivery service
    This method requires a lot of time and commitment to the cause. Someone cooks a meal and packs it into takeaway tubs. It is then delivered to everyone’s doors. You might not want to do this regularly, but it is a wonderful way to stay connected over food in isolation. Make sure appropriate hygiene is employed throughout. 
  2. Shared recipe
    This method requires less of the chef and delivery team but does require buy in from every member of the group. Someone shares a recipe and everyone has a stab at making it for themselves. Everyone comes onto the online meeting with their version of the meal and the group can enjoy sharing their cooking experiences. 

There are sure to be other ways we can continue to enjoy the wonder of eating together whilst in lockdown. It’d be great to hear your ideas in the comments section below!