Men of the Bible
Men of the Bible
Vibrant, thought-provoking Bible studies exploring man of the bible by Penelope Wilcock. These studies set out to form a comprehensive overview of the Christian way of discipleship.
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100 Stand Alone Bible Studies
Scared of being found out, guilty because he'd done something wrong, Adam hid from God.
Abraham left behind everything he knew to travel into the uncharted territory of the desert – because that was what God called him to do.
Cain brews up such anger against his brother that he murders him.
Elijah’s boldness and faith in confronting the prophets of Baal resulted in resounding success and mighty signs and wonders.
King David – poet, soldier, shepherd, lover, musician, statesman – is a central figure in the history of Israel.
Jeremiah’s prophetic career started early. One of the first objections he made to God’s call on his life was that he was way too young – nobody would listen to him.
Who could not love Peter? Reading the Gospel story, we recognize our own humanity in him
Paul strongly expressed himself – he was a man who made loyal friends but also a lot of enemies!
Judas’ life began to unravel, and his choices ended in unendurable remorse and death at his own hand.
Barnabas does not have the biggest part to play in the unfolding story of the spread of the gospel, but everyone notices him and everyone loves him.
John the Baptist comes across as such an extreme, uncompromising kind of man
Andrew shows us that we need to go and meet with Jesus and gain our own personal experience.
People who go looking for Jesus find themselves taken up into his good purposes in surprising ways!
Pilate, anxious to hold on to his position bows to public opinion and hands Jesus over.
The story of Zacchaeus is a lesson in how what goes around comes around!
Joseph listens and takes action – but he does not speak. He passes through the pages of the Gospels without uttering a single word.
Jacob came away from his encounter with God limping!