Making Sense of God’s Love
Making Sense of God’s Love
The six part series looks at the themes and discussion points from the book 'Making Sense of God's Love: Atonement and Redemption.
The aim of this session is to get the group thinking about ideas of blame, guilt and shame, and of healing and what it means to ‘atone’ for something.
This Session we will be looking at Atonement in the context of sin and the problem of evil.
The aim of this session is to help us to understand our relationship with God as something that derives from our need for God.
In this session we’ll look at how Christians respond, and sometimes fail to respond, to God’s invitation to participate in this life.
In this session we’ll be thinking about what it means to be a Church that lives out this redemptive love.
This last session focuses on the meaning of the Resurrection and its implication for all of our lives.