Day 6: Let The Land Produce Living Creatures And Let Us Make Humankind In Our Image Session 6 of the Saying Yes To Life lent study… Genesis Lent Luke Matthew Psalms Ruth Valerio Saying Yes To Life Short Course SPCK
Day 5: Let The Waters Team With Living Creatures And Let Birds Fly Session 5 of the Saying Yes to Life lent study… Genesis Isaiah Lent Matthew Psalms Ruth Valerio Saying Yes To Life Short Course SPCK
Day 4: Let There Be Lights In The Sky Session 4 of the Saying Yes to Life lent study… Genesis Isaiah Lent Psalms Revelation Ruth Valerio Saying Yes To Life Short Course SPCK
Day 3: Let The Land Produce Vegetation Session 3 of the Saying Yes to Life lent study… Genesis Isaiah Lent Psalms Romans Ruth Valerio Saying Yes To Life Short Course SPCK
Day 2: Let The Waters Be Separated Session 2 of the Saying Yes to Life lent study… Ezekiel Genesis John Lent Psalms Ruth Valerio Saying Yes To Life Short Course SPCK
Day 1: Let There Be Light This home group lent study explores the literary and historical… Genesis Job Lent Psalms Ruth Valerio Saying Yes to Life Saying Yes To Life Short Course SPCK