In session four we look at the ways in which we can experience and care for creation.
Last week we reflected on Micah’s call to do what is required which involved ‘walking humbly with God.’ How does this film about the pilgrimage to Paris make you feel about the COP26 talks happening in Glasgow this year (2021)?
(The UNCOP (United Nations Conference of the Parties) are the International climate change talks where world leaders make decisions about what should be done about the climate crisis. The Paris Agreement in 2016 was a significant step forward but the Glasgow talks are crucial). There are many pilgrimages planned to Glasgow including the one we mention in the action below.
Read this short passage twice – have someone read it aloud and then individually in silence.
And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness for forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the angels waited on him.
Find out about the Young Christian Climate Network Relay ( happening between the G7 talks in Cornwall to the COP 26 talks happening in Glasgow and how you can join or support the journey to climate justice.