Planet Protecting Out Loud – Session Five
Planet Protecting Out Loud – Session Five
This fifth session encourages participants to shout all about the things they have discovered over the course of this series, raising the profile of Planet Protecting with others.

This series is written by Becky May based on the book Planet Protectors by Ruth Valerio and Paul Kerensa.

This session is the fifth and final session in a series designed especially for all-age homegroups, those who meet intergenerationally with members from babes in arms to great grandparents included and the activities and discussion points are designed to include all members, as they feel able.

This series is based on the book ‘Planet Protectors’ by Paul Kerenza and Ruth Valerio. Rather than looking at the book chapters in sequence, this study series draws out themes raised in the book in a helpful sequence. You may find it helpful to provide a copy of the book for each family, and encourage the children to take a lead in prompting their family to explore more of the issues raised in the book. Before each session, take a look at the book chapter links above and select those which are of most interest or relevance for your group to explore during your time together.

This fifth session encourages participants to shout all about the things they have discovered over the course of this series, raising the profile of Planet Protecting with others.

You will need…

Key Text

Bible passage – Genesis 2, 2 Timothy 4:12

Book Chapters – 3, 14, 24, 27, 28, 32, 38, 44, 47, 52

Food and family time

Where possible, begin the time together with a shared meal, or if this is not possible, some light refreshments. Use this time to build friendships and get to know one another better. Since this is the final session in the series, take some time to review some of the different things you have discovered together and the changes you have already put into practice.

Opening activity

Explain that over the course of the last four sessions, you have explored together what it is to be a Planet Protector. Throughout this series, there may be particular elements of Planet Protecting that has particularly grabbed their attention. Explain that today, we are thinking more about what it means for us to be Planet Protectors ‘out-loud,’ ready to raise attention about environmental issues and speaking out in order to bring about change.

Provide a small step and a rolled-up card ‘loudhailer,’ and invite participants to take turns to come and stand on the step to give a 60 second speech about an environmental issue they care about or which they have discovered more about recently. Time the speeches, to ensure that nobody overruns the 60 second time limit and encourage everyone who takes a turn.

Bible reading

Encourage the members of the group to have access to their own Bibles and recap together Genesis 2:15, before reading 2 Timothy 4:12 together. Explain that part of being a Planet Protector is speaking out about environmental issues, regardless of how young we may be.

For very young children

Provide a story basket with a small globe, a selection of toy animals, cut fresh flowers etc, as well as some children’s Bibles. You could also provide some paper, envelopes and pens for playing at letter writing too.

Discussion questions

Invite the group to discuss some of the following questions are as most appropriate to them.  Be intentional about including all ages in this time of discussion, so far as you are able, rather than expecting the children to listen quietly while the adults talk. Don’t worry about trying to get through the questions, but rather allow the conversation to flow naturally.


Some groups enjoy a time of shared sung praise together, whilst for others this is not helpful. Treat this time as optional, depending upon the needs of your group. For younger children, this can be a great time for joining together with the adults in praise, perhaps using percussion instruments, scarves or ribbons as you sing.

Some song suggestions for this session include:


Invite members of the group to share what they would particularly like to pray about, as you draw this series to a close. It may be that there are changes you are making at home, or as a church, that you would like God to help with. Or perhaps, you are seeking to engage your MP or wider community in a particular issue that you would like to bring to God. Perhaps, you would like to ask for God’s guidance as you plan your next ‘planet protecting’ steps, and so choose to spend some of your prayer time in silence. As in the other sessions, encourage the younger members of the group to participate in the prayer time too.

Take home idea

If you have given out copies of the book, Planet Protectors, prompt the children to take a lead in their families beginning to explore the suggested chapters, this week and in continuing to develop as Planet Protecting families by looking together at the other chapters in the book.

Since this is the final session, take a few minutes to review some of the actions you have committed to, or undertaken in your time together and challenge the families to put one action in place to become Planet Protectors ‘Out loud,’ speaking out about environmental issues, as you have explored during this session. Make arrangements to be able to feedback what happens as a result of this, after this series together has ended.