On a helicopter, holding the rotor blades to the main body is “the Jesus nut”. The phrase is also used for other engineering components that hold everything in a machine together, with dire consequences should the part fail.
The Jesus nut is also what holds the whole of creation together (see our study on Jesus’ relationship with creation on p. 210). As our passage from Colossians 1 says, “God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven,” and, as our passage from 2 Corinthians 5 says (here KJV), “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself.”
The cross of Jesus sits at the heart of creation, holding all things together in a living harmony. From his cross, healing flows through the whole web of all that is made. Through his cross death and life are reconciled to each other in one living entity, brought into harmony, so that death is no longer the end of life but part of life, no more than a horizon of sight. In passing from life to death and from death to life, Jesus opened a path, created a unity. He who was with the Father in the making of creation from the very beginning, with everything that was made being created through him, therefore had a right by this creative connection to redeem and reconcile the whole cosmos by surrendering himself, its Lord, to its depths.
For us the cross of Jesus is our ultimate safety, the part that holds firm and keeps us aloft, the eye of any storm, the promise that will not fail, the certain hope of salvation.
As the work of reconciliation is central to the ministry of Jesus, so it will show up in the lives of his followers. How might we take part in his work of reconciliation?
Are there any relationships in your own life that you think could benefit from the blessing of reconciliation?
If reconciliation is central to the ministry of Jesus, do you think all Christians have to be pacifists?
Jesus, our rock, our strength, and our redeemer, we put our trust in you. Carry us through, Lord Jesus, any times of trouble that may be besetting us now; give us the insight we need into what you have done for us, that we may have confidence in you and trust you to the uttermost. Teach us to lean on your love, move in your power, and walk in your light. So may we become for others a rock that does not shift, a waymarker that will help them find the sure path to life and the refuge of your eternal name; Amen.