Pentecostalism and the Prosperity Gospel
Pentecostalism and the Prosperity Gospel
In this fourth session we explore Pentecostalism and the idea of the prosperity gospel.

Pentecostalism and the prosperity Gospel have arisen significantly during the past twentieth century presenting us with a number of contradictions in terms of Christian compliance.

The prosperity  gospel also known as the ‘health and wealth gospel’ or the prosperity theology is rooted in the premise  that material wealth and physical well-being are the prerogative of every believer in relation to the  measure of  their faith, theological positivism particularly in their speech, as well as their donations to ministries and charities.

Many Christians are uncomfortable with this brand of Christianity on the grounds that it is fallacious and unscriptural. A range of  stalwart Christian leaders showcase  their testimony through the ‘Word of Faith Movement’ and have galvanised many subscribers from mainstream Pentecostalism to their perspective. Although he  recognises this criticism, Joel Edwards makes some salient observations and presents some leading questions:

Edwards reminds us that we can encounter challenges with our Pentecostal brothers and sisters due to our level of theological maturity, our cultural contexts, lack of biblical literacy and  ego-centric assumptions and become a hindrance to the Christian witness. He highlights the value of ecumenical settings in which

Christ-centered biblical theology is embraced and Jesus is given the credit for the blessings of health, wealth, and power in the interest of the mission of God.

Resources Needed

Some questions for discussion

Read  Genesis 39:2-6.  Deuteronomy 8:18  Joshua 1:8   Job 22:21Proverbs 3:9-10  Proverbs 10:22:  Proverbs 28:25   Jeremiah 29:11-14   Luke 6:38  Luke 12:15   Philippians 4:19    I Timothy 6:10  

Read  Psalm 37: 4 Proverbs 10:22:  2 Corinthians 8 and 9  Ephesians 3: 20-21  Philippians 4:19

Read  Psalm 9:9   Matthew 6: 19-24   Matthew  26:11  Philippians 4:19  James 2:14-24

Read   Deuteronomy 28:1-14   Psalm 35:10    Psalm  91   Matthew 6:25-34   Matthew 10:29-31  

Read   Psalm 128   Proverbs 28:27   Luke 11:3   Luke 12:33 -35   2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Read   Deuteronomy 8   Psalm 1  Psalm 112:1-3  Psalm 128:  Malachi 3:6-18    

Luke 12:15  2 Timothy 3:2-5 James 4  James 5:1-5

Praise and Worship 

Use the below songs to help you have a time of praise and worship

Something to think about and do in the coming days…

J. Lee Grady Speaks Out About The David Yonggi Cho Scandal | C3 Church Watch

Writing a journal as you progress through this course will be a useful tool  to aid your reflection, clarify your thoughts, feelings and chart your learning.

Try to write regularly after each session. Here are few prompts to get you started:


Dear Lord, we thank You for just being ‘You’.

Thank you for the guidance you provide for us to access your wisdom to make the right decisions in our relationships with people and the material things in our world.

Help us to see and treat people and the material things as you do.

May we not seek to create idols amongst ourselves but seek to glorify you and your work in ourselves and others.

Help us to be forever committed, confident and comfortable to comply to the truth of your word. In Jesus’ name we pray,
