Evangelism – Session Eight
Evangelism – Session Eight
Jesus asks us directly to make telling others a major part of our lives as his followers; it's the Great 'Commission'.

In this eighth session take time to discuss how you tackled the challenge from last week.

Previous Challenge Refresh….

Find a small, practical way to ‘act justly’ this week. See what happens as a result, and how you feel, and come next week prepared to share your story with others.

This weeks reflection

Evangelism can feel like a dirty word – it’s a bit weird, and quite religious. Even when we describe it as we often do – as talking to other people about Jesus – it doesn’t get much less frightening. But Jesus asks us directly to make telling others a major part of our lives as his followers; it’s the Great ‘Commission’ which he gives to his disciples just before he leaves earth. However, when we understand the church as family, and when we feel excited about belonging to that family, then all evangelism really is, is inviting the people we care about to become a part of that family too. The great news is that when we make that invitation, we’re far from alone. The power of the Holy Spirit is at work in and around us – and it’s him who
changes our friends hearts and minds, not us.


Discussion Points

• What do you feel ‘evangelistic’ about? It could be a TV show, or a sport, or something else.
• How does the idea of talking to your friends about Jesus make you feel?
• Have you ever tried evangelism? What happened if so – and how did it feel?
• On p.128-129 there are four examples of what ‘evangelism’ could look like for you. Which of these feel more or less appealing? Have you done any of them?
• Then on p.129-132 we go through a step-by-step approach to talking to a friend about Jesus. What do you think about some of these ideas?

Prayer Points

• Ask God to help you identify someone with whom you could share a bit of your faith this week. Ask him to give you a specific and natural opportunity to have that conversation.
• Pray for your friends and family who don’t yet know Jesus, that this week the Holy Spirit would be whispering to them, letting them know that there really is a God who loves and wants to know them.


Evangelism doesn’t have to be scary! This week, having prayed for an opportunity to share your faith with someone, take the plunge and do it! Remember, the Holy Spirit is with you and doing most of the work, all the
way along.