Walking in the Light
Walking in the Light
This is a 15 part series looking at the everyday essentials and characteristics of living a Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Justice and the role it plays in our Christian Life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Mercy and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of how to bear witness and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of humility and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristics of honesty and transparency and the role they play in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Kindness and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Accountability and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Simplicity and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Discipline and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Chastity and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Joy and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Compassion and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Courage and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Fidelity and the role it plays in our Christian life.
In this session of Walking in the Light study the characteristic of Stewardship and the role it plays in our Christian life.