Listen to this talk from Vaughan Roberts
How to view money
There is a frequent misquotation of the Bible that “money is the root of all evil”, but Proverbs speaks of the advantages it can bring. But in a world that too readily makes an idol of money it is good for us to consider its limitations and dangers
Read Prov. 8:10-11; 15:6,7; 22:1
- All these proverbs speak of something better than wealth – better in what ways?
- Think of ways in which these priorities might be worked out in our lives.
Read Prov.18:10-11
- What is suggested by placing these two verses side by side?
- Wealth does indeed give a measure of security (cf 10:15), but how are we prone to look there for security instead of to the Lord?
Read Prov.30:8-9
- Should we pray not to have a pay rise? What is “too much”? What should we learn from Agur’s attitude?
How to make money
Vaughan Roberts has previously proposed three principles: Work Hard (12:11; 13:11; 14:23), Avoid Debt (22:7; 24:27), and Be Godly (13:21). I think though, because of the shortness of time, you would probably be wise to go straight on to 3.
How to use money
Read Prov. 21:17
- Are luxuries to be off the menu?
- What is the principle and how should we seek to apply it?
Read Prov.6:8
- When does the practice of prudent saving become the wrong attitude of 18:11?
Read Prov.3:9-10
- What does this mean? How should we go about it?
- “A generous man will prosper” (Prov.11:25). How so?
- Compare 2 Corinthians 9:6-11. How does this help us apply the principle to us today?
Read Prov. 14:31; 19:17; 28:27
- How seriously do we take the call to care for the poor? How in practice should we?