Miss, What Does Incomprehensible Mean?
Miss, What Does Incomprehensible Mean?
This 6 week course will help home groups explore why, despite the Bible’s clear message that we’re accepted by God through faith and not through effort, many find difficulty taking that message to heart. Week by week, the study will examine verses from the Bible as well as extracts from Fran’s memoir to help home groups discuss and reflect upon perfectionism and its effects.
Fran Hill Book
Session one of six, exploring how perfectionism affects our authenticity and makes us hide who we really are.
Session two exploring how perfectionism affects our self-esteem.
Session three exploring the idea of perfectionism and how it can lead to imposter syndrome
Session four exploring how perfectionism can make us too busy for self-care.
Session five exploring how perfectionism can distance us from people as we fear 'neediness'
Session six, exploring how perfectionism can affect our confidence to witness to others.